Websites: Things You Probably Didn’t Know

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Maybe like me a year ago, you’re a complete newbie to tech and you don’t understand the idea of websites. Or you’re a businessperson, and as far as you’re concerned, you have no business with websites or programming or codes; you think all you have to do is buy and sell in your physical shop or on your WhatsApp status and take your money to the bank. Perhaps, you even know about websites and understand their uses and benefits, but the thought of creating one is just daunting and maybe even a little boring. If you fit into any of these categories, then read on. This article might just be what you need. If you read this to the end, you’ll know what a website is, why you should have a website, and how to build and manage yours.

A year ago, I decided to get into website development. I signed up on Udemy and got a couple of courses. After a couple of months, I was completely discouraged. HTML, CSS, Javascript, React… there were so many things I needed to know. It felt like I would never reach my goal of becoming a developer. I began to ask myself questions. Is this worth it? Will people benefit from it or am I wasting my time? Are websites even all that important for the average person that doesn’t own some big, multimillion-dollar company? Subsequently, I met Alex, a web and mobile app developer. Under his tutelage, I got more focus and direction and little by little I began to reach my goal.

Creating and owning a website is as difficult or as easy as you make it. One thing it will always be though is necessary. Imagine going to your favorite eatery and having to stand in a line to get food, especially when you’re in a hurry. Or having to attend classes in a formal institution as a working-class parent with three two-year-old kids. Very difficult, right? For most people, keeping up with school or waiting in that line would be a struggle. However, we now have websites. In the comfort of my bed, I can order a full meal. Or go to school and get a recognized degree/certificate. With just a click, a wider range of people have access to your products or services with great ease. Of course, any business owner that wants expansion and growth for his/her business must think about having a website for that business.

So what is a website, really? It’s a collection of related web pages on the internet. But what is the process involved in building a website? How do I own a website for my business? What if I abhor coding and I don’t want to sit for hours staring at a laptop screen? Well, we have tools like WordPress and Wix that can help you create your website without writing any code. However, if you’re like me and you want to build your website from scratch or you want to learn to build websites for people, because trust me, there’s good money to be made from this line of work, then begin with learning HTML and CSS. As you learn more, the road gets clearer.

Newsflash: Nobody has a complete picture in their head at first. Things get clearer when you begin. That’s something every beginner developer needs to know, but unfortunately, most don’t figure it out and quit. Like every other skill, either in tech or outside tech, you need discipline, commitment, resilience, and consistency. You’ll also need to maintain the websites you build, fix errors that may come up, and, make sure your user’s experience is excellent because, at the end of the day, the goal is to make sure the user of your website is satisfied and accomplishes his/her goal with your website.

Coding will be easy sometimes. Other times, it’ll practically drive you crazy. Having a website for your business or for whatever it is that you’re into can be very hard. It is a lot of work. But I can assure you, this work is worth it. More customers, wider coverage, easier and wider reach even with people not in your immediate surroundings. Big or small, your business needs a website. In conclusion, keep pushing, keep learning, keep striving to get better in any line of work you find yourself in, and eventually you will, especially with the help of the internet.

How do you think a website can benefit you personally? Share with us.

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