Seven (7) Must-Have Social Media Marketing Tools For Your Business In 2022

social media marketing tools


Every marketer these days depends greatly on social media. Besides, where else do more than half of their potential clients spend their time?

But then, social media marketing itself is not a simple process.

Whatever a brand does, that concerns its social media presence is very well thought through. Every step, every decision, and every post were all carefully planned.

Doing this on a larger scale would take a toll on time and other resources. Hence, the reason for social media marketing tools.

As days go by, researchers and creators develop interesting solutions to make work easier for online marketers. Such that if you do not keep yourself abreast of the updated technology, you might just be left behind.

In this article, we have brought to your fingertips the top SMM tools you should know in 2022.

What Are Social Media Marketing Tools?

Social media marketing tools are applications and extensions which make your SMM journey easier, more productive and more effective

Having to manage several accounts on social media is a lot of work to do. Solutions that enable you to manage and monitor these social channels and even do some of the work for you are what we call SMM tools.

There are lots of them in the market but not all would give you the best results. For this reason, we have researched and assembled the top 7 that will help you rise above your competitors and achieve maximum results.

7 Top Social Media Marketing Tools You Need For Your Business

Here are the 7 must-have social media marketing tools your business needs in 2022 and beyond;

1. Buffer

Buffer is one of the best social media marketing tools you should have to aid your digital marketing experience. As a business owner with so many channels to oversee and monitor, it becomes harder to effectively do all the tasks, including posting content with the limited time available.

Buffer solves this problem by helping you schedule and post your contents automatically even if you are not online to manually do it.

Buffer is a social media scheduling tool with lots of social features like Buffer reply and buffer analyse. Managing your social accounts just got easier with Buffer.

2. Hootsuite

At a time when brands are looking to increase their KLT rate, they must be careful to understand how their potential clients and customers see their brand. Hootsuite is a social media marketing tool that allows brands to track their clients and understand their customer’s sentiments toward their brand.

It is important to break down any preconceived notions your client may have toward your brand. Hootsuite is one of the must-have tools you need to scale your social media marketing goals in 2022.

3. Social Champ

This is another effective tool that will positively affect your social media marketing strategy. It is a good alternative to Buffer. Social Champ is a social media scheduling tool that helps you spread your content across your social media platforms.

Social Champ also has automation features to help you promote your content and scale your social media goals. It also includes features like analytics, link shortening, social media content calendar to help you plan your content.

4. Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo is also one of the top-rated social media marketing tools that you should have. It is a content curation tool.

If you want a tool with effective content discovery and in-depth insight features then you should bet on Buzzsumo. Buzzsumo helps you to discover the most popular questions posted on platforms like Reddit, Quora, etc.

It can also monitor and analyse content trends on various social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

5. Coschedule

Imagine that you could batch create your content and schedule for weeks, months and even yearly. Then all you have to do is to follow the content up. You won’t bother trying to post daily or any of that.

Here’s a tool that can help you schedule your social media content posts for as long as you want. It is affordable and has a good user experience and collaborative features.

This tool is also best for someone who does not have automation experience because it is easy to navigate.

6. Canva

Canva is a design tool that has lots of templates for various social media platforms. This is an exceptionally effective tool whose use cuts across large and small brands.

Small businesses with a limited number of team members who also cannot afford a professional graphic designer have absolutely nothing to fear. With Canva you can create stunning designs to accompany your written content on social media.

Canva has both a free and paid version. With the free version, you stand to gain a lot. The premium version offers you features like having a brand kit. This feature enables you to maintain a consistent brand identity on all your social media platforms through your posts.

7. Rebrandly

Last but not least on our list is Rebrandly. This tool helps you shorten, brand and track every link you create. With the premium version, you can track anyone that clicks on your link through the retargeting feature.

This helps you personalise your customer journey using their surfing behaviour. It also has a free version and works on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.


There is plenty of work to do against the limited time available. To achieve your social media marketing goals and maintain brand relevance, you can not do without these tools.

This is the more reason you must be up to date on what’s new. To do social media marketing in 2022 and beyond, these tools are vital for your success. However, before you choose the best for you, you could always try out their free versions.

Let us know your thoughts on the matter, which of them did we miss? Which do you think is the best? Share your opinion in the comments section.

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