In the online marketing space if you get it right in the processes you employ from the start, it becomes an easy ride all the way. It does not mean you have to relax but the truth remains that if you built on solid structures, like solidifying your brand presence you would reap the fruits digital marketing has to offer.

In our previous post, we mentioned some basic areas entrepreneurs make mistakes that limit their success in the online marketing industry. If you read this post till the end you will realize how you can deal with it effectively and get the deserving return from your marketing investments.

Branding: We both know the importance of building a solid brand online, and we explained in our previous post how poor branding can affect your sales. That is, not being trusted enough by your audience to purchase from you. Branding is a lot more than your logo, brand colors, etc. Branding is perception, how your customers feel about you. What kind of emotions your brand stirs up in people when your brand name is mentioned. 

When building your brand take note of these;

  • Promote the benefits other than your brand features.
  • As you promise to deliver, make sure you indeed fulfill your promise else you will start wondering why your customers are not coming back.
  • Be consistent in your media platforms. There should be uniformity in your style and voice. You can’t be leaving your audience wondering if they are in the right place all the time.
  • Logo and designs: While starting out, invest in a professional logo and tagline. In as much as these are not the core of branding but they are capable of setting the pace for you while starting out. Your logo and brand name are what sets you apart from your competitors. A perfect tagline should communicate the brand core benefits in a succinct manner. If you can not make perfect designs by yourself, you can always outsource it. Your brand deserves the best. 

Building a successful brand is a core of digital marketing, the success of other online marketing techniques depends on how well you have done this part.

Content Creation: To build your brand you must have been creating content on your business or web page. The sales copy, ad design, etc are all content. If you write a bad sales copy for your product and or promote an amateur design on your official page, it will tamper your brand image especially if you are a start-up. This is the more reason you should accept nothing less than a professional standard on your page. 

Tips to create quality content;

  • Understand your audience by carrying out audience surveys and market research to determine their pain points.
  • While brainstorming on content ideas for your content calendar, put your audience in mind, and solve their problems. That way you will be getting their engagements and most importantly, their trust.
  • You can also segment your audience base, it will help you target them better. You can do this by demographics. Above all be consistent in what you do online.

Some content creation tools that can make your work easier include; Portent idea generator Buzzsumo, etc. See our article on “How to write good content”.

Traffic Generation and Leads: Most marketers find it hard to generate leads because of the many platforms available. They keep making posts on social media without some kind of return.

Before you can get your users interested in what you are saying, you must create what they truly want, and to do this, you should have a buyer persona of your target audience. This will serve as a guide to make you create what would interest your target audience. Once you know your audience well you can create content that truly speaks to them and get them to engage with you. You can then go-ahead to publish an ad campaign and this should include the following; 

  • A lead generating offer, with detailed infographics or short video.
  • A landing page where they will fill a form to download your offer and you get their emails.
  • An email follow-up with their offers as soon as they need them.
  • A nurturing email that will build trust and make them purchase your offer and services when you pitch it to them.

In addition to this, do you have an effective SEO strategy? It could be that your content is not ranking for the right keywords. Besides, when creating web content, you should carry out adequate keyword research, find out the contents that are doing well, and what they are ranking for. We would also like you to know that you must not rank for the very popular keyword, you could do something different. 

Also, if everyone is ranking for a particular keyword on the Google text result page, you can try to rank on their video page. You need to know your SEO skills well, to get results.

Traffic generation should only get easier. Before you can do anything, you must know your target audience well, it would help you target the right audience.

Website Management: As we all know, people are not too patient to wait for a site that takes a long time to load. On that note, working on your web speed is a goal, that is keeping your page highly optimized, also try to get your web developer to show you some things as regards managing and maintaining your web page. You can take courses to learn more about this so as to save you added cost of maintenance or better still higher experts to do this. After all, why gain less when you can gain more by getting experts to work on areas you are not quite good at.

If you are a businessman, we get that it can be frustrating trying to get all of this done coupled with other work that your brand needs, however, that is why we are here. Instead of hiring individuals to take care of each part of your online marketing process, you can simply hire a marketing agency to take the stress off you. All you will have to do is provide them with a brand guide that will make sure they are still in line with your core value and message.

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