How To Write a Top-Notch Business Proposal That Will Land You Your Next Deal

Business Proposal

Do you want to ‘kill it’ in your business proposal and seal that deal despite the competition? Do you wish to write a business proposal no one would ever reject? Then there are a few tips you must bear in mind.

Have you ever wondered why that client never calls back? Even when he was the one that requested your business proposal. Don’t you think you may be doing something wrong?

Writing a business proposal is not just something you write in the way that you feel. Some strategies can help you win every time you write a business proposal. Before you send out that proposal you must ensure that you have dotted your I’s and crossed your t’s by following the tips, we will be sharing with you in this article.

After reading this article you should be able to write a top-notch business proposal that will land your next deal.

Meanwhile, before we get on with it, let’s draw a line between a business plan and a business proposal.

What is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a formal document that a business owner prepares for the sole purpose of serving as a guide in growing the business and which he also presents to investors for the sake of gaining partnership or grants.

What is a Business Proposal?

A business proposal is a formal document that a business owner presents to a prospective client for the sale of their products or service.

In a business plan, the business or part of the business is for sale, whereas in a business proposal, the products or services of the business are for sale.

Contents Of a Business Proposal

A professional business proposal must contain the following;

  • Statement of the prospective client’s problem
  • Proposed solution
  • Pricing Information

Your business proposal is not complete without stating the specific problem your potential client Is facing. This is where you bring his emotions to play while you follow it up with a workable solution.

You must also show how your company will deliver that solution.

7 Tips You Have Been Missing in Your Business Proposal That Will Land You That Major Deal

Here are business proposal writing tips that will help you land your next deal;

  1. Do your homework
  2. Start with an outline
  3. Incorporate data and visuals
  4. Add testimonials
  5. Keep it simple
  6. Decide for them
  7. Use CTA

Do Your Homework:

Most successful business owners who submitted a proposal are mostly people who have done their homework. They researched all they could about their prospective clients and tailored their proposal to suit the clients. Before you write your proposal, ensure you make your research and find out certain information about your clients.

For example, exactly where and how the solution you are bringing will affect your prospective clients. Their pain points and specific needs. You should not be afraid to ask your clients questions especially if it is a solicited proposal.

You will also find out the complete network of your clients, so you will know the entirety of the people who will be reading your proposal and how best to appeal to them.

Begin with an outline

Before you begin writing your proposal ensure that you have already sectionalized all that you want to write. Divide them into different outlines so that you can easily remain focused and on track. This helps to ensure that you incorporate all of the necessary information, method of presentation, and facts to write a perfect business proposal.

Incorporate data and visuals

Looking for a convincing way to pitch to your prospective client, then include data in your business proposal document. Let your prospects know what your company’s solutions can do for the client by using data to represent them. Show them what will happen to their business if they take your hand. People believe facts and figures.

Visuals are another way to capture the mind of your client in your business proposal. It makes the reader or viewer’s experience more beautiful and gives your document a professional look. Add charts, graphs, pictures and videos where necessary especially if it’s an online proposal.

Add testimonials

Clients want to make sure that they are paying their money for what it is worth and they don’t want to make that decision just on the fact that you, the business owner have asked them to. They would think that you only care about making sales for your business so they want social proof. You have to include social proof of previous clients and customers who have worked with you in the past. This will help your prospects have more confidence in your business.

Keep it simple

It’s still quality over quantity. There is no one size fit approach to writing a business proposal. You just have to ensure that you have followed the process and necessary guidelines. Less is more so ensure that you do not fill your proposal with so much business jargon. Make it as easy and simple as possible for a layman to understand. Let your prospects understand specifically what your brand is about and what you intend to do for them just with a glance at your proposal.

It could also be as long as you want it to be, enough to include all the necessary information that explains what you are offering.

Decide for them

Your prospects need to believe that they will be losing a lot of money if they do not accept your proposal. How they would be stepping over dollars to pennies just by not working with you. To do this then you must tug at their emotions by

  1. having a juicy value proposition and
  2. a mind-blowing presentation

You must show them why you are a good fit for the job by showing how qualified you are, and your achievements and experience as it relates to the client’s needs.


What would your prospect do next after reading through your perfectly structured business proposal document? Toss it in one of the files? Make some calls, and click on any website? etc. You can control to a reasonable extent what your client does next after reading your proposal. This you do by including a call-to-action that guides your potential client in the next steps to take. This helps improve your chances of sealing the business agreement.

Final Words,

Increasing your clientele base is one of the most important things for growing your company. Whether you are a startup or an already existing business, you need to retain and keep increasing your client base as they are the reason you are in business.

Bearing the tips, we have shared with you in mind, you are on your way to landing your next million-dollar deal!

Meanwhile, please share with us in the comment section which part of these tips, resonates with you. Also share it with your friends if you found it valuable.

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