How To Sell Your Services as Products

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You are a business coach, a branding agency, your business is service-based. You sell…. what? If you sell services, it is difficult for people to know what they are expecting from you. It is easier to sell a physical product than to sell services. Products are tangible and people already know what to expect. So, in this article, I am going to show you how to sell your services as packaged deliverables.

If your business is service-based, then this article is for you.

A prospect sent us a message, “I would like to know everything you do and how you can help my business achieve visibility”. His main interest is not what services we render but what he is going to get from us. Most times people buy products just from any seller because they already know what they are expecting. But, for services, they don’t know what they are getting, the complete benefits of what you are giving them unless you tell them in clear terms what to expect and what they will get.

So, to package your service deliverables, do the following;

Draw A Road Map

It is difficult for prospects to understand what they are going to benefit from your services, so you need to draw a road map telling them what you are going to do, why you are going to do it and what it will cost them.

Drawing a road map helps prospects to know and understand what to expect, what to hope for, where they are going. This further assures them that they will be able to measure what they are putting in (input) the expected result (output) and the impact (benefit) of the output.

For example, if you are a digital marketing agency and you need your prospects to invest in a company or business website, you have to tell them why they should have a website, the cost of designing a website. When they measure the input against the output and the impact of owning a website, they would likely agree to have one. But, if you leave them in the loop as to why and the cost, they are likely going to say no. In selling services, walking your prospects through the process is imperative. You have to systemize your services in a repeatable way.

Create Signature Services

Yes, your clients are different but you don’t have to create different services for them. If you are still struggling to create different offers for different clients then you are still in the amateur stage. A good service provider provides solutions to their client’s problems. So, it has to be according to your system or plan. You are the one solving the problem. You must do the following:

  1. Identify who you want to serve
  2. Map out the problem you are solving
  3. Be passionate about what it is you do
  4. Be good at what you are doing
  5. Empathize with those you want to serve
  6. Do not confuse your clients with your industry/niche lingo. They don’t understand the terms, and they do not need to know your behind the scenes. Just understand their problem, show empathy and deliver tangible results.
  7. Tell your prospect the result you are going to achieve.

Create Your Signature Method

Your signature method means deciding exactly what needs to be included in your services, the order and the process you need to follow to get your clients from the point where they are to the point where they want to be. For example, as a Website developer, you can include website maintenance, website contents and SEO services or as a digital marketing agency, you can decide to include digital branding in your services. The same way many hairdressers include fixing nails and eyelashes to their services. Having a well-defined signature method helps you know what services to outsource and those whom you need to work with to achieve results. Remember, it is a continuous process, subject to innovations and other changes. As such your system or method must be dynamic, scalable, and repeatable.

Thanks to the prospect who asked us how we can help his business achieve visibility, you now know how to package your services as a product.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Cynthia

    This is clear and concise. Thank you.

  2. Aisha

    Very Informative

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