How To Choose Between Content Development And Content Writing

Content development

Should You Become A Content Developer Or A Content Writer?

How else can you use written words to capture the mind of any audience if you are not a content writer?

Scratch that! How can what you have written get to the faces of your audience at the right time if you are not a content developer?

Should You Learn Content Development Or Content Writing?

The difference between a content writer and a content developer is a very thin line. A content developer is also a content writer but a content writer is not a content developer. Several businesses are no longer oblivious of the fact that good content writing services can make all the difference for your brand.

However, a content writer can not just do all the magic without a content developer to back him up.

Whether you choose to become a content developer or a content writer you must know the basics of writing good content. ‘Content is king’ is a common digital marketing cliche that will continue to stand till tomorrow. For this reason, these two skills will always be in demand.

In this article, we will show you the difference between content development and content writing.

Content Development Vs Content Writing

Before we can draw the line between content development and content writing, we should understand what each means.

What Is Content Development?

Content development is the process of creating content for a website from beginning to end. Content developers are also referred to as web content developers. But in this article, our sole interest is in developing content, not about web design or programming. Website development includes the following;

  • Strategy
  • Promotion
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Writing
  • Publishing

Content creation for websites is not just about writing blog posts which is where the content writer comes in. Website content includes but is not limited to infographics, videos, blog posts, graphics, etc.

What is Content Writing?

Content writing is the process of creating written content for a website. It includes blog posts, writing email newsletters, etc. to increase visibility and traffic to the company’s website.

Content writers write content such as whitepapers, social media posts, ebooks, website content, newsletters, etc.

What Skills Should You Have As a Content Developer?

Becoming a successful content developer requires that you possess or improve your creativity. You should also have a good eye for detail. Working knowledge of technical skills as it relates to CMS (customer management software).

A good content developer will also know about SEO best practices and basic knowledge of HTML.

You should have good communication skills, management, research, and teamwork skills.

What Are The Responsibilities Of A Content Developer?

  • As a content developer, you will edit and proofread content before they are published.
  • You analyze the metrics of published content and devise effective strategies to update them.
  • You devise content strategies and pitch your ideas to the communications and marketing department.
  • You manage the distribution of content through various channels including social media.
  • A content developer identifies the loopholes of website content and improves the web content.
  • He also knows how to place texts, images, and videos for better optimization.
  • The content developer plays a management role, developing content to meet the brand’s objectives.

What Skills Should You Have As A Content Writer?

As a content writer, you should have excellent writing and editing skills. You should have a good eye for detail and the ability to collate research from various sources. You should have a working knowledge of how to use content management systems such as WordPress.

Another important skill you should have and keep honing is your creativity. You should also have good communication skills and be able to effect that in writing.

What Are The Responsibilities Of A Content Writer?

  • A content writer helps to reach more business goals like increased sales, leads, conversions, and visibility through written content.
  • He creates original content for websites, newsletters, ebooks, press releases, blogs, and advertising materials in line with the content developer’s guidelines for the brand.
  • He researches topics related to the brand’s industry to generate ideas for new content.
  • He prepares well-structured drafts using CMS.
  • He writes clear copies to promote the brand’s products and services.

A Content Developer or Content Writer– Who Earns more?

Content development and content writing are in-demand skills that work hand-in-hand for successful content management. Due to the need for businesses to register their presence online, demand for content is also on the increase. This means more opportunities to earn a huge amount of money writing content or developing content strategies.

According to Glassdoor, a content developer in the US earns $75,454 on average annually. Whereas a content writer earns $62,564 annually.

This is not to consider the amount they will be making if they are also working on a freelancing basis.

Final Words,

A content or web developer can not effectively achieve the company’s objectives working alone. Nor can the content writer succeed at growing the business’s visibility and credibility just by writing content and publishing alone.

Both are needed in the team. The content writer writes quality content that resonates with the target audience. But the content developer arranges the content and places them at particular stages of the buyer’s journey for better results.

Whichever of these two you decide to learn and master boils down to your choice. Mastery will always make way for you and set you apart. The endeavor you master whatever path you have chosen and be ready to record mind-blowing success.

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