Writing content consistently is a hassle that most content writers deal with sometimes but what is worse is losing touch of quality in trying to be consistent. It is better not to write at all than write what would be described as bad content by the readers or what google search engine would not find relevant. If your content goes below your brand’s standard and you begin to lose readers then it has failed.

What would be the need for your content if it is not bringing in sales and driving traffic to your site? If nobody is reading or engaging with it? Do your followers just read your title and do not end up reading the whole post? Yes, your post is not for everyone but how would some persons know it is not for them when you cannot hold their attention for at least 20 seconds?

It is often said that content is king, but I would like to add that only good content is king. What makes great content then is in its readability with the audience, actionability, and usefulness.

Anyone searching a topic on Google is simply looking for answers and most times as fast as possible. On that note, the need to get your reader’s attention glued to your post is a skill every content writer should have.

There is no fixed strategy of writing content articles but there is a formula that I use while writing. It is known as the AIDA formula( Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action).

Attention: You know, social media is a busy street and there is a lot to keep anybody busy. The word Social defines exactly what social media is about, most of the people on social media are there to interact with others and often times ease off their stress. How do you then get them to listen to you especially if you are not their favorite comedian or you are giving them the latest news? 

Statistics say that when you make a blog post or publish an article, about 80% of the people read your headline and only 20% read the post. This brings us to what ‘attention’ is about. In getting the attention of your audience, you need to have a catchy headline. Something that sparks curiosity. 

For example; 7 mistakes you have been making in your entire life. Hmm, Mistakes? What could that be? 

You see, no one wants to appear dumb so they want to find out what you have to say. Your headline should not be too long or too short but weighty and sparks up emotion. It is the first thing your audience sees, so it has to be worth it. Another thing is not to hype it much or overstretch the truth, always make sure you do justice to your headline else you might just be losing the trust of your readers. I would be sharing with you some content tools including something that can help you with crafting catchy headlines at the end of this post.

Interest: This is the emotion paragraph. Your first two-three sentences. This is where you let your audience know you understand how they feel, and that you know exactly what you are talking about. In this paragraph, you try to share with them some of the bad experiences they may have had without the solution you are about to share.

For example, you want to write about how to remove odor from shoes. You could start with a question- Do you still find it difficult removing your shoes in the office due to the foul smell that will ooze out? Have you ever been embarrassed by the smell of your shoe when you innocently pulled it off in front of others?

Something like that makes them feel or picture the scenario, and if they are going through that, chances are they will keep reading. Even if they are not, a lot of us want to be smart so no information is too much. You get that right? Yeah.

Desire: This is the storytelling paragraph. By this time, we are already getting to the body of the article. Here you share facts,  research, personal experiences, contrary opinion, etc to further explain what you are writing about. Anybody searching a topic on Google wants answers to let me also add it would be more beautiful if you provide those answers as fast as possible. 

Use bullets, titles, and sub-headings to make your points visible and easy to find. Use images and infographics to make it easier for your readers to get your points soonest.

Action: This is also where you include the body of the post and your conclusion which will have your call to action. Make sure you give them the answers they want and the information they need. 

Another thing is to bear length and depth in mind, your article does not need to be too short or too long, it should just contain enough details as it should. Always go straight to the point and learn to eliminate unnecessary details. While writing, do not bear word count in mind but concentrate on giving value, you will end up writing a lot especially if you are talking about a topic you are passionate about.

What matters most in content writing is value, if your content has value it will attract engagements and surely Google search engine will realize that your post is helpful and will come back to your site more often. SEO is secondary just like a spice to your content.

The AIDA formula is a guide to a great content article and there are other things to note to enhance engagements.

  1. Uniqueness: Every brand has a unique voice. This voice should be embedded in every piece of writing put on the brand’s page. Have you ever gotten close to someone in such a way that if you see their message, you can hear their voice in your head? If yes, then that is what you should do while writing content for your brand. Write in a way your audience can relate to and identify. Being unique means telling your story in your own way. 

It is difficult to find a content idea in any niche that nobody has done justice to, so then how do you maintain originality and keep your readers coming back? Simply add your own flavor and personality while writing.

  1. Usability: Your content should solve your customer’s pain point. While writing, ensure you include action points, you can share tips that your audience can use right away or questions that would spark more thoughts and ideas within them. 
  2. Engaging Content: I have already talked about this in the AIDA formula I shared above. The secret to writing engaging content is bearing your reader in mind and include emotion triggers and relatable stories and words.
  3. Grammar: While writing, it’s always better to use simple words and grammar, nobody wants to keep checking their dictionaries often on one post. Most of us don’t like stress and you are not competing for English language awards. 

In spite of all this nobody wants to read an article with bad grammar, it is just like eating rice filled with stones and I’m sure you can imagine what will happen. There are some tools that you can use to check your grammar and spelling. 

Some content tools you can use to make your content journey easier include;

  • Grammarly – this is a spelling and grammar app. It has a free and paid version, the free version can serve you to an extent so it is not expensive to use.
  • Canva – this is a design app. You can design infographics and find suitable stock images for free. 
  • Adobe Spark Post –  it is also a design app, you can find various fonts for your designs and templates.
  • Portent’s Content Idea Generator – this is a free tool that helps you craft the best headline around your keyword. All you need to do is click on
  • –  helps you with content ideas. You can discover what your audience is asking about.
  • Copyspace – this helps you to maintain originality. You can check for plagiarism or similarity with other articles on the web.
  • Hemmingway app – this is another grammar tool that helps you ensure the smooth reading experience for your audience.

Most of these tools have both free and paid versions and even the paid versions are usually affordable.


Content writing in 2020 is not what it used to be, there is a need for upgrade and great writing skills. With the enormous advantage of content marketing, your writing does not have to be a flop.

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