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With effective digital marketing, succeeding exceedingly well in your business is a no-brainer. An effective digital marketing campaign is able to generate the maximum return from your investment and sales for your business. However, if this goes wrong, the probability of getting frustrated and quitting in your business is highly possible because it requires strength from above to work without results and still continue. We have noticed that most businesses and brands still find it difficult to effectively leverage digital marketing strategies and mediums to improve their businesses. 

You know, in real life occurrences, whenever there is a problem it is usually advisable to determine the root of a problem before looking at the solutions. Doing this even makes the solution not far-fetched and clearer. The same concept can be applied to your business and marketing, to know why you are not succeeding in your digital marketing techniques, you need to know exactly what you are doing wrong.

The following are most of the issues digital marketers and brands get wrong in their marketing journey;

  • Branding
  • Creating quality Content 
  • Traffic generation and leads
  • Website management and maintenance 

Building a consistent and strong brand online is an important part of your marketing strategy. If your audience does not know, like and trust you, then whatever you are trying to sell has a minimal chance of being a success. Branding forms the bedrock of what digital marketing is about. If your marketing campaigns are not bringing in reasonable ROI, then you need to work on your brand so as to increase your KLT rate.


Branding involves paying attention to detail which would include your brand colors, font, style, and voice. All of these affect the way your audience feel about you and should be well harnessed. In successfully building a brand you connect with and build a tribe of loyal followers who would always want to hear from you and buy your product or service. 

Creating quality content:

“Content is King”, is now a national anthem in the online business world. But worthy of note is that only Good Content is king. Good content is content that is relatable, actionable, valuable, relevant for a good period of time, and able to gather traction. The kind of content you would put up depends on the kind of audience you have. If you keep posting only text articles for your very impatient audience, they will end up leaving the page before even getting to know the point of the post.

However, recent trends in technology have shown that more than the average number of people relate to video contents than texts and infographics. You can confirm this by checking yourself or the people around you, ask them how many video contents they have taken time to watch for the past week. 

In as much as posting quality content is advisable, making it consistent will do more. Nobody remembers someone who posts content once a month, but we know it could be stressful and draining but a good way to go about this is to outsource it or hire a marketing agency to take care of these things.

Traffic Generation and leads:

Just like we mentioned earlier, your content should gather traction. If you are finding it difficult to generate traffic from your content and campaigns then you are not doing something right. It could be your SEO strategy was not effective, or you are talking to the wrong audience. It could also be you are not on the right platform or channel. 

For example, how would you feel as a college graduate seeing posts about “How to scale your A level examination”?  Totally wrong audience! Engaging with such posts is 98% impossible, which also makes it harder to increase conversion rates.

Website management and maintenance:

For every business owner, their store is the first representation of what the business stands for. Imagine going into a phone and accessories store only to find foodstuff displayed there, to crown it all, the tables and chairs are not well organized. How would you feel trying to find your way around the store with much stress? I think you may walk out and decide they are not ready for business. 

Your website or social media pages represent your online store. But most brands find it difficult to maintain their website, for them to get one means they already know the benefits. A poorly optimized website would have potential clients bouncing off before they even convert.

Consider a scenario, where a client clicked on ‘purchase a product or service’ and is redirected to an entirely different page, and he has to start searching from the beginning to make a purchase. More often than not, he gives up without a blink, if you have been trying to find out why you have many clicks but no conversion, there, you have it. It could also be that navigating your website seems like a ‘gulder ultimate search’, nobody likes stress in this life.

Creating and managing your website should not be the reason you are not making sales, all you need to do is employ the right methods.

Digital marketing is about ACDP ( Creating Awareness of your offer, having your audience Consider patronizing you, Deciding to purchase from you, and making a Post-purchase by becoming loyal and referring others). This is the ideal customer journey and if the customer always stops in the consideration stage then the digital marketing strategy should be worked on.

These and many more are the common problems that online marketers face in their marketing journey but it should only get better.

Look out for our posts on how to effectively manage these problems. 

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