Digital Branding And Its Benefits

Digital Branding

Executive Chairman of Amazon, Jeff Bezos once said, “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room”. Whether you’re a business owner, a student, a housewife, or a salary earner…you have a brand. You have something that speaks to others when they see you. In today’s internet climate, this has become even more prevalent. On social media, people have a perception of who you are and what you’re about, even if you’re not aware.

Concerning this, as a business owner, you cannot afford to go without an online presence. Unfortunately, most businesses still rely on analogue branding and a few paid advertisements on radio or television to bring them, customers. This method has become outdated. Like everything else in our present world, branding is now digital. In this article, we’ll talk about:

  1. Meaning of branding
  2. Meaning of digital branding
  3. Components of digital branding
  4. Benefits of digital branding for your business


First, we need to understand what branding is. Branding is the process of communicating to your prospective buyers what your business is about, your products or services, your goals as a business and generally your entire business identity. It involves getting details about who you are, what you do and the problems you aim to solve across to the public.

What is Digital Branding

Now, what is digital branding? Digital branding is simply making your branding process digital. What does that mean? It entails taking your brand online using tools on the internet like websites, social media, video, web and mobile apps and so on.

To create an effective digital brand, you need to sit down and ask yourself a couple of questions, namely:

  1. What will my brand name be? Is it notable and easy to remember?
  2. What is my message? What do I bring to the table? How do I solve a problem for my customers?
  3. What are my values?
  4. What are my mission and vision statements? What do I aim to achieve?
  5. Lastly, who is my buyer? Describe your buyer persona

Components of Digital Branding

We’ve discussed the meaning of brands, branding and digital branding. You’ve got an outline of what your brand should be like online. You’re now wondering what digital branding consists of. What do you need to create a brand online? You’re about to find out!

  1. Logo: Your logo is the face of your brand. It is the image people have of your brand in their minds. For this reason, you cannot afford to be careless with your logo. It should represent the core foundations of your brand identity and leave a lasting impression on anyone who sees it. The colours, shapes and visuals should combine to communicate the right idea about your brand. For example, Coca-Cola has a distinct logo. It’s easy to remember, easily noticed and has become a pictorial representation of the brand over time. This should be the goal for your logo.

2. Websites: Websites are a key part of your digital brand. Your website is the means through which visitors and leads find your brand message, key information about your brand, product descriptions and contact information. Key information about your brand should stand out on your website. Although owning a website gives your brand more reputability, an unprofessional website with errors will cause a lot of damage to your brand so, pay attention to detail.

3. Message: Your brand message is what you want prospective buyers to think about you. It is the key takeaway that any visitor has when he/she visits your website or social media pages. Because it is the perception that people have of you and your brand, it shouldn’t be taken lightly. It should answer the top questions about your brand in a buyer’s mind, like who you are, what you do, why you’re important to them and how you can help them. Remember to communicate with your tone; a finance company shouldn’t sound playful and a party planner should have a tone that promises a lot of fun.

4. Internet Branding and Advertising: This is how you convert visitors and leads to customers. Having a good logo and website is not enough, people have to know about it. Internet branding and advertising involve pushing your brand through online channels like your social media pages, making good use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and leveraging influencers to increase awareness of your brand and make more sales. For maximum optimization, take the channel into account and use the language of that channel or online platform. For example, don’t take the catchy, conversational twitter diction to LinkedIn which has a more serious, professional outlook.

Benefits of Digital Branding for Your Business

You could be asking, “Why should I strategically brand my business? More importantly, why should I do it online? Why make my branding digital?” Well…the benefits are obvious and endless. The world has gone digital. Everybody, whether young or old, works with the internet. Opportunities on the net are unending, possibilities are limitless. You’re probably reading this article with some kind of device, a phone, laptop or something. This illustrates that everybody accesses the world through the internet, hence as a business owner you should optimize this opportunity. I’ll list a few benefits of digital branding below:

  1. Reach your audience: Your potential leads and customers are all on the internet. The first thing most people do nowadays when they hear a name or a business, they’re curious about is run a quick google or Instagram search. The traffic you pull from your online presence can very easily be targeted. These potential leads can be engaged and interacted with online until they become your customers.

I’ll give you an example. My friend, Uche, runs an online business where he sells used textbooks for medical students. How does he connect the buyer and the guy who wants to sell his textbook to someone? Social media. His WhatsApp and Instagram accounts. This is how his customers reach him and communicate with him. Everybody has an online presence, so why shouldn’t your brand?

2. Build Connections: I’ll use my friend’s book business to give another illustration. Unlike the bookstore owner in the market, Uche can constantly build a relationship with his leads and customers, getting to know their problems with textbooks and continually showing them how he can solve them. He can also give them helpful tips on his social media handles. This gives him an edge over the bookstore owner who doesn’t have the advantage of an online brand. What does this say in essence? A digital brand helps you connect with people on a more personal level. People want to feel like more than just customers. An online presence gives you the means to solve this problem.

3. No Geographical Barriers: With the help of the internet, distance is not a problem anymore. Your customers can reach you at the drop of a hat from miles away. Businesses can become famous overnight in a foreign country without your physical presence. Think about all the memes and events that get a lot of popularity on the internet. Your business can get that kind of exposure too, so why not take advantage of the opportunity?

These are just some of the benefits you can get from digital branding, the list is endless. Make good use of the power of the internet today, take your brand online. Digital branding is the present and future of brands, without it, your brand is going nowhere. It’s not just about making sales, it’s about building a powerful, loyal customer network that can advertise for you without your knowledge. With digital branding, there is no limit for your business.

Need help branding your business? Not a problem! Oparawhite Global is here to help. Contact us for designs, logos, websites or any digital solution your brand needs.

What other advantages do you think digital branding can give your business? Tell us in the comment section below! Don’t forget to share this article with your friends.

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