Content Development
Content Development is king

Have you ever wondered why you don’t get the much-needed attention from your customers? Maybe you struggle to sell to them or find it difficult to sell to them.

The truth is there has been a shift in trend. Buying and selling are not like it used to be, customers have upped their game and are careful in making money decisions. They don’t even want to be sold to.

With the number of big businesses available, the market has become really tough for many small businesses to compete.

It requires great strategy and resilience to survive in a highly competitive market both for small and large businesses.

To survive in the market, showing up in front of the right customers, winning their trust is the key. This is where your content plays a role.

The content you put up on your page is what connects you to your clients. Since your business is online your customers get a feel of you and your personality with what you put up as content.

Research shows that customers don’t necessarily buy a product, but buy ‘why you do what you do’. Buying is emotional and they will buy from who they know, like, and trust.

The question now should be how do you build this emotional connection with your audience? Nobody wants people shoving products in their face and telling them each time to buy. buy. buy. Personally, I’d be reluctant to buy from such a brand.

Having a connection with your audience makes it easy for them to buy from you because they already know who you are and you do this by creating content that connects.

A friend of mine who is so fond of a particular cloth brand never fails to mention them whenever we’re talking fashion. In as much as he has never purchased from them before, he’s saving up to buy their products.
Why does he love this brand so much?

They teach him a lot about fashion and dress sense. He’s able to make great use of the clothes available to him and still look gorgeous.

He is loyal to the brand simply because they’ve proven themselves helpful. Just 3 things sell on social media; Education, Humour, Emotion.

When we say content is king, it’s not just a cliche, it’s a fact.

Content Development

Content development is not merely getting your buyers interested, it guides them every step of the way. It ranges from infographics, copies, videos, that draws the attention of your customers.

Little wonder a 30s advert costs a whole lot of money.

At Oparawhite global, we don’t just develop content for our clients, we develop content that converts and helps them build their KLT rate (know, like, and trust).

People like people that are like them, so leveraging on this as a business owner when developing your content would really help you be on top of the mind of your customers.