The Cost Of Designing A Website

The cost of designing a website varies from the kind of website and its purpose to the website designer.

There is no universally fixed price for web design project irrespective of the type of website.

But, I know you want to know how much it will likely cost you to build a website, so in this article I will give you an idea of what it will cost you to design a quality website.

The cost of building a website can be divided into 3 basic categories:
Domain Name fee, Hosting fee and Developer’s fee.

Below is an outline of the cost of designing a website based on the aforementioned categories.

Domain name

The likely cost of domain name that is available for use is #3000 – #20000 per year. If you need a .ng domain, the cost is between #10,000 – #30,000. But, if you want a name that is already taken by someone else, you will have to place a backorder for it– as soon as the domain name is free it will be made available for you. This costs about $70– above. The cost  depends on who you are buying from, a broker or individual?
If you are buying from a broker like Namecheap or Godaddy it will likely cost you about $70. If you are buying from an individual then it will be way more than $70. You could be looking at thousands of dollars.

Web Hosting

Web hosting comes in various categories. It could be:

Virtual Private Server (VPS)

dedicated server

shared hosting

cloud hosting

The category you choose depends on the number of visitors that come to the website on a monthly basis. If you need just a business website for your company, it is okay to use shared hosting. On the other hand, if your website is going to serve a large audience, it’s safest to go for a VPS or cloud hosting. This type of hosting is recommended for blogs with a lot of visitors monthly or a church or association with a large membership

VPS/cloud hosting ranges from #133,000– #629,000 per year;

Dedicated server –#592,000 – #1.554Million per year;

Shared hosting – #30,000 – #72,000 per year.

Web Developer’s Fee

This is a very important factor that influences the cost of designing a website. The developer’s fee is largely determined by the type of website you want: eCommerce, static, or dynamic site (Content Management System).

It is important to note that there’s no fixed price web developers charge.
In fact the prize is largely dependent on the developer’s experience; features, quality and functionality of the website.

Let’s look at the likely fee web developers could charge.

eCmmerce website:

Web developers charge #500,000 – #2,500,000,000 for quality ecommerce website. Like I said earlier, factors such as uniqueness and functionality affect web developer’s fee.

In addition to that, eCommerce website cost depends on the the number of products you want to sell on the website as well as extra features you may request.

For example, if you want to accept online payment in Nigeria using Interswitch payment gateway, the price of the gateway alone is between #150,000 – #200,000. And the developer will most likely add all the cost together.

Static website:

The price of a basic static 3-5-page website ranges from #30,000 – #100,000. The cost could be much more if you request more pages, and functionalities.

Dynamic website:

Depending on the developer and quality of website required by the client, developer’s fee ranges from #4,000,000–#10,000,000 or as little as #50,000– #150,000.

Annual Renewal

Owning a website is like renting an office, you need to renew your rent annually or biannually depending on the client’s choice, as such it is important for you to know that having a website is not a one-time expenditure.

What this means exclusively is that for your website to remain online you will have to be paying annual hosting and domain name renewal fees.
And the cost for both hosting and domain name varies a lot from one website to another depending on the provider.

There are also some paid website features which requires updates and renewal. To find out more read our article on website maintenance, why you should hire experts to manage your website.


In conclusion, the cost of designing a website revolves around the domain name, cost of hosting, and developer’s fee which is determined by factors such as the type of website, its uniqueness, functionalities and the features involved.

Note: extra features like payment gateway, booking system, database integration etc. will drive up the cost even further.

It’s best to discuss what you need a website for with your developer for professional advice and recommendations.

Have a question about your web design project? Contact Oparawhite Global LTD. and our website development team will help you from idea conceptualization to design  and website maintenance.

CALL NOW! +2348162741649 or click the link to tell us what you need : oparawhiteglobal/start-project/

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